by Les Cole | Mar 19, 2014 | Aging, Andropause, Atherosclerosis, Bio-Identical Hormone, Bioidentical Hormones, Cancer, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia (Cholesterol, Endothelial Dysfunction (ED), Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Estrogen, Heart Disease, Hormones, Insulin Resistance, Male, Metabolic Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Overweight, Pre-Diabetes, Testosterone, Testosterone
There have been 2 recently published articles (1-2) that have captured the attention of the news media and class action attorneys – the “if it bleeds, it leads” crowd – and therefore the attention of the public. The authors of the 2 papers have...
by Les Cole | Feb 19, 2014 | Aging, Andropause, Atherosclerosis, Bio-Identical Hormone, Bioidentical Hormones, Blood Pressure, Endothelial Dysfunction (ED), Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Functional Medicine, Heart Disease, Hormones, Male, Natural Medicine, Testosterone, Testosterone
In 2011, data from the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania, Germany, were used to determine if there was a relationship between testosterone levels and blood pressure. Testosterone levels were measured in male participants of the study and the range of...
by Les Cole | Feb 12, 2014 | Aging, Andropause, Bio-Identical Hormone, Bioidentical Hormones, Functional Medicine, Heart Disease, Hormones, Male, Replacement, Testosterone, Testosterone
Heart failure patients who take testosterone supplements may find they breathe better and are able to do more exercise, researchers from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, reported in Circulation Heart Failure in a 2012 study. The authors had gathered data...