by Les Cole | Aug 6, 2013 | Antioxidants, IV Therapy, Metabolism, Natural Medicine, Nutrition, Operative Care, Supplements
The information for this article came from a paper written for my Master’s Thesis in Nutrition and Metabolism, Biomedical Section of The University of South Florida School of Medicine First, What Is Nutrition? We talk about nutrition, but what really does that mean?...
by Les Cole | Jul 25, 2013 | Functional Medicine, Hormones, Metabolism, Natural Medicine, Nutrition
Our understanding of health and disease has changed through time. Evil spirits and vapors were once thought to be the causes of disease. Hippocrates advocated, “Let food be thy medicine.” With the Renaissance came an inquiry into science including that of the human...
by Les Cole | Jun 30, 2013 | Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Services
Traditional Western Medicine or Allopathic Medicine sees the individual primarily as individualized organ systems: heart, lungs, kidneys, digestive tract, etc. It assigns diseases to these systems based on a set of symptoms, signs, abnormal labs, and tissue pathology....